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F Words to Live By

What to focus on for a bright, positive, future f word to live by self care Feb 25, 2022

I have personally seen some incredible changes in an individual’s quality of life when they were intentional about changing for the better. By being intentional I mean deciding to change because let’s be real - it is a decision.

If you think you can or you think you can’t,...

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Why taping your mouth at night could save your life f word to live by mouth taping sleep issues Feb 17, 2022

Last April I flew to LA to be with my youngest daughter while she had her deviated septum surgery. It was a month later that her roommate encouraged her to tape her mouth at night. Sydney wanted to do it to make sure she was breathing through her nose since she spent so many years unable to.


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The BEST gift to give yourself f word to live by fashion fwordstoliveby self care Feb 10, 2022

How often do you set aside time to work on yourself? Especially being still to think about what you want. What brings you joy. Goals you want to achieve.

As a woman, life is all about juggling and managing. You take care of the family, manage your work, home, and more.

So often women feel guilty...

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The real MAGIC to health Feb 03, 2022

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a magic pill that restored our health, gave us energy, and made our skin glow? Well, it isn’t a pill, but I have discovered the magic to restored health, energy and glowing skin.

I was always that over exerciser and under eater. My daughters grew up in...

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How to select your Word of the Year f word to live by Jan 06, 2022

I love selecting a Word of the Year. It feels very different from crossing a goal off my list. It is an intention, a mantra to guide my daily actions and become a better version of myself.

It takes me several days or a week to select a word. You might have one knocking you on the head. I have...

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What will you let go of in 2022? Dec 30, 2021

You can’t start this new year, a new chapter in your life if you are stuck in the old one. If you want to create a new self, or a new destiny, you first have to stop being the old self.

Maybe you only have a few habits that don’t serve you and you would like to change. I found myself...

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