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F Words to Live By

Your Mom Said What? f word to live by food for thought happy mother's day motherly advice May 05, 2022

My mother passed away 20 years ago but I can still hear her repeating sayings that were supposed to teach me something. Not sure all of them taught me something but they certainly stuck with me. Here are a few inspirational sayings from some women who shared in my F Words Community. Thank you...

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Ways to tend to your garden of life energy f word to live by fwordstoliveby Apr 28, 2022

Just like in life, tending a garden brings with it losses and triumphs. Whether you have one or not, nurturing a garden is similar to nurturing your own life. Here are my observations on being a good "life" gardener: 

  1. What you plant in your mind will harvest your tomorrow. I...
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Add Flair to Anything You Wear Apr 21, 2022

Adding flair to your outfit is an easy and inexpensive way to shake up your look. These items that add spice are probably already in your closet. Express yourself with this sense of style or allow the tips to help you develop your sense of style.

  1. Go Vintage – What’s old is new...
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Does this hat make my butt look big? Apr 15, 2022

I know you’ve done it – stood in front of a mirror and tried on hats. You love them, you want to wear them, but you put it back because you aren’t sure you would wear it.
With tomorrow being Easter, I’m going to show you how to wear last year’s Derby hat or any hat...

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Living the FASTer Way f word to live by food fwordstoliveby Apr 07, 2022

When was the last time you went to a doctor’s appointment and your doctor was so impressed with your improved bloodwork? Or when was the last time a friend commented on how great your complexion was looking? When was the last time you felt physically strong and empowered?
Because I...

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Three Myths about You and Fashion f word to live by fashion fwordstoliveby Apr 01, 2022

As you re-enter the workplace or prepare to once again attend lunches, dinners, networking events or special occasions, it could feel a bit daunting getting dressed. We aren’t used to getting out of our lounge clothes.

As you navigate this new experience, or head out to freshen up your...

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Change Your Energy- Change Your Life energy f word to live by fashion spring cleaning Mar 26, 2022

In the beginning of my Image Consulting career, I worked in a lot of closets. Nothing is more exciting than turning a woman’s closet into her sanctuary, her boutique. Your closet is your shrine – or at least it should be. Now you don’t need me – you can watch my video...

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Spring into Action f word to live by fashion fwordstoliveby Mar 16, 2022

Spring begins tomorrow. Are you in dark cashmere sweaters dreaming about when you can be wearing lighter, brighter clothes? 

How about I offer you ways to wear what you have, but with a nod toward spring? Ready for a style lift? Here goes! 

  1. Review your winter coats. Do you have one or...
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The Secret to Staying Young Mar 09, 2022

Life is full of responsibilities. Now that Covid-19 restrictions are lifting we are getting back to our go-go-go lifestyle.

Seeing children play brings us so much joy. I think that is because it takes us back to a simpler time in life when we ourselves enjoyed having fun and playing. Now we are...

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How NOT to grow old aging f word to live by Mar 03, 2022

Life spans are growing longer and if you    are like me, you are in your “third act” of    life. I have never been more excited and     hope what I share with you will get you     excited as well.

You know I believe you are what you ...

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What to focus on for a bright, positive, future f word to live by self care Feb 25, 2022

I have personally seen some incredible changes in an individual’s quality of life when they were intentional about changing for the better. By being intentional I mean deciding to change because let’s be real - it is a decision.

If you think you can or you think you can’t,...

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Why taping your mouth at night could save your life f word to live by mouth taping sleep issues Feb 17, 2022

Last April I flew to LA to be with my youngest daughter while she had her deviated septum surgery. It was a month later that her roommate encouraged her to tape her mouth at night. Sydney wanted to do it to make sure she was breathing through her nose since she spent so many years unable to.


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