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F Words to Live By
40 bags in 40 days
lent challenge
Feb 26, 2025
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Lent is a season of reflection, renewal, and letting go of what no longer serves us. This year, I’ve embraced the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge—a practice of decluttering one bag of unnecessary items each day throughout Lent. But this isn’t just about tidying up—it’s...
All Categories 12 days of christmas 2025 40 bags in 40 days aging american health american heart month beautifulbuildup belly fat better living bloating body image body transformation booty workout change your energy chris fulkerson closet cleaning confidence confident woman course confident woman recipe decluttering derby hat workout derby style diet & exercise dressing dry january energy f word to live by fall fashion fashion fast fashion faster way to fat loss female friendships fit fitness goals food food for thought friendship fun fwords fwords to live by fwordstoliveby gender-specific getting better sleep gratitude gut health halloween dressing happiness happy mother's day health and wellness health and wellnesss coach health eating healthy lifestyle holiday dressing holiday eating howtofindhappiness in the pink labor day law of attraction lent challenge longevity look younger looking good in photos memorial day mindfulness mindset mother daughter advice motherly advice mouth taping new year new year predictions new year resolutions new you nutrition facts oil photography positive thinking positivity protein rest seize control of your health self care self talk self-care self-love selfies sisters sleep sleep and weight sleep issues sober october spring cleaning strength training stress sugar addiction summer challenge summer slim down summer to fall summertime sustainability sustainable clothing sweater weather take control of your health toxicteardown transition to fall transitional dressing turning 65 valentine's day wellness wellness habits what not to wear women's fashion women's health word of the year