Turning 65 years old! 65 tips for my daughters (and YOU)

aging f word to live by mother daughter advice turning 65 Jan 01, 2025

When my youngest daughter asked me what I would tell my 31-year-old self I gave it a lot of thought. My first reaction was to limit sugar intake – lol. It has wreaked havoc with my life. 

When I sat down to think about it the tips came rolling out of my brain and on to a journal. Suddenly this 65-year-old had 65 tips!  I’m excited to share these with you and feel free to share with anyone you think would enjoy them. 

  1. Sugar. The more you eat it the more you crave it – so don’t eat it.
  2. Eat clean, lean, protein. At least 100 grams a day or 1 gram per ideal body weight. That will greatly help with the sugar cravings. In my 30’s I attempted to be a vegetarian. I did it all wrong, felt terrible and looked tired all the time. Protein gives you energy and helps maintain muscle.
  3. Speaking of muscle, skeletal muscle is the key to longevity. Do resistance training 2-4x a week.
  4. The Law of Attraction is a real thing. What you think about you bring about – good or bad.
  5. Slow mornings are a real luxury in life. Prioritize your quiet time.
  6. Prioritize sleep. 7-9 hours if possible.
  7. Avoid drama. 
  8. Who you surround yourself with matters – it matters a lot. Choose your friends wisely.
  9. Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become.
  10. Pray for everyone. Even those you don’t want to pray for.
  11. Journal. Get your feelings on paper.
  12. Write regrets on paper and burn the paper. Don’t look back, move forward.
  13. If you feel bad about yourself, get out and volunteer or help someone else.
  14. Listen to your intuition. (Sugar addicted people are especially intuitive – lol).
  15. Love yourself as you are. You must love yourself before you can fully love others.
  16. Spend time outside every day. Try to get the morning sun on your face.
  17. When you hug someone, do it for 7 seconds.
  18. Each day write 3-5 things you are thankful for.
  19. Be careful about what you watch on TV, read, or listen to. Find things that make you laugh or lift you up.
  20. Pay attention to how you feel. You are meant to feel joy every day.
  21. Move your body. Walk, skip, dance, workout. Whatever you find to be fun.
  22. Smile at others. You might be the only person that smiles at them all day.
  23. It’s ok to say NO. And you don’t have to explain yourself. (This was a very difficult one for me to learn).
  24. Eat real food. I didn’t learn to eat until I was almost 60 years old. Enjoy whole foods and lots of fiber. The more you eat good food the more you will crave good food. 
  25. Cook at home as much as possible.
  26. Prioritize and plan your day the night before or in the morning.
  27. Tracking is a good thing. You can’t improve what you don’t track such as steps, water, finances etc.
  28. You deserve better and are capable of creating it.
  29. Quality over quantity – especially with clothing.
  30. On the days you don’t feel like showing up – do it anyway. Action leads to motivation.
  31. Do your most difficult task first.
  32. Treat your closet like a shrine. Have matching hangers, respect your clothing, keep is as clean as your house.
  33. Set aside all electronics (especially your phone and TV) one hour before bed.
  34. Invest in comfortable furniture – especially your mattress.
  35. Forgive everyone – especially yourself.
  36. Think highly of yourself
  37. Engage in meaningful conversation instead of gossip.
  38. Wake up early.
  39. Fail fast and do it messy – whatever it is – just do it.
  40. Network. Be interested - not interesting.
  41. Think BIG – Believe, Inspire & Give
  42. Never stop learning. Learn something new every year.
  43. Never underestimate the power of small habits.
  44. Stay true to your own style. You don’t have to follow trends or anyone else.
  45. No one knows your body better than you – including your doctor.
  46. Dry brushing before showers helps the lymphatic system.
  47. Supplements are good but food is medicine. 
  48. Fall in love with the life you create.
  49. Wear what makes you feel amazing every day.
  50. Don’t save anything for good – this includes clothing, dishes, accessories etc.
  51. Dance every day.
  52. Don’t set goals. Develop systems that will help you reach your goals.
  53. Choose farm foods over factory foods.
  54. Be creative through arts, writing, dancing, or whatever brings you joy.
  55. Don’t take yourself and life too seriously.
  56. Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t compare yourself, your future children, or your future spouse to anyone else.
  57. Sometimes talking with your sister is all the therapy you need.
  58. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and need.
  59. Each morning when you look in the mirror, acknowledge what you love about yourself.
  60. Life is not about me – it’s about we. Everything is easier with a friend, mentor, etc.
  61. Let go of guilt for doing what you truly want to do.
  62. Faith over fear. Let go of the worry – you have no control over the situation. 
  63. You are not going to change anyone. Let them. You do you.
  64. Stop trying to skip the struggle. Give in to discomfort to gain what you want.
  65. Your girlfriends are so important. Find your tribe and lean on them when needed and be there for them when they need you. My sweet Hannah and Sydney – always include me in that tribe.

Cheers to another year around the sun and a wonderful 2025!