The American Obsession with Body Size and the Scale
Jan 23, 2024
The American obsession with body size and the number on the scale is an issue deeply rooted in psychological factors. Challenging these beliefs is needed for a more inclusive and body-positive society. Why are we being so unrealistic with our goals?
What if our goal was health, and feeling good, and not a number on the scale. And how do we get that mindset, after being fed this dream of thinness for our entire lives.
Women I have spoken with will tell me about a family member, coach or friend who ridiculed them for their body size. Those are scares we carry with us into adulthood.
How do we get to appreciating and loving our bodies enough to treat them well? Here are a few tips I teach my clients:
- Appreciate your body. Being aware of what your body does for you will switch your mindset. Be aware that your heart is beating, and your lungs are breathing. Think about your legs and how they get you where you need to go. Your stomach is not just pooching out but digesting your food and filtering out all the things that your body needs to thrive. Truly appreciate your body and what it does.
- Move for fun or joy. If you are putting yourself through a mundane exercise routine because that is what society tells you is healthy, then you need to rethink your movement. What do you enjoy that involves movement – walking, playing pickleball or another sport, dancing, gardening. Have fun with your movement.
- Practice acceptance. Whatever your body looks like today is how it looks. Stop beating yourself up about it. It’s those who beat themselves up and hate their bodies that are taking drastic measures. The way you treat a body you love is very different from how you treat a body you hate. Stive for a relationship with your body that involves love and respect.
Fad diets, weight loss programs, and fitness trends often promote unrealistic expectations which contributes to a cycle of dieting and weight fluctuations.
Social media has not helped. Many images are curated so they may not accurately represent reality. The same is true with magazines. Comparing yourself to these images only increases your feelings of inadequacy.
My first physical after completing my initial 6 week round with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss brought out the realization that important improvements were happening inside my body. When my doctor asked what I was doing because my blood work was excellent and my weight down – that was better than any number on a scale. Then as your energy increases and you feel vibrant and healthy – who cares what the number on the scale says.
My wish for all of us is good health. Good health starts with loving ourselves as we are, so we can treat ourselves well. If the goal is good health everything else will fall into place.