If Only…

f word to live by fwordstoliveby May 13, 2022

We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Feeling regret reminds us to think carefully about decisions we make in the future and not to make the same mistakes of the past. Regrets also help us learn about ourselves and what it is that we really want. Regret is unavoidable when you are living life and making choices.

We often have regrets over those things we wish we would have done. Today I want to focus on those “if only I would have…”

Are you one that looks back on your life and asks, Why? What if you start looking ahead and ask, Why Not?
Are you holding back because of what others would think? What if you would act on your impulses to write the book, lose the weight, or switch the career? What is holding you back? Confidence?

Your belief in yourself is a determining factor in your success. Being self-confident is to trust in your own abilities and believe that you can do what you set your mind to.

What are your current beliefs about the future? Are you paying attention to the thoughts you think?
The Law of Attraction basically says "What you think about, you bring about." That includes positive and negative thoughts. Are you predominately thinking about what you want, or what you don’t want? It is up to you to unlock your extraordinary potential. What do you need to do or believe to unlock all that exists within you? I believe you are here on this earth for a purpose. Your thoughts, words and deeds can positively impact another person’s life.

In my Confident Woman Recipe course, I believe you are what you Eat & Drink, Wear and Think. What you think about is the foundation of everything else. You can radically change your life. But it starts with thinking about your thoughts.

Toss those regrets aside.  The past is in the past.  June 6 there will be another Confident Woman Recipe course. If you have something brewing inside of you, if you are ready to make some changes but lack the confidence to do so – this course is for you.

So, turn the Why into a Why Not! Your future self will love you for it. Email me for more information. Or visit my website at www.fwordstoliveby.com