10 Easy to Digest Lifestyle Tips

f word to live by faster way to fat loss gut health health and wellness Sep 25, 2024

Are you ready to make a few small, sustainable changes to your everyday routine? Select one or two of these to commit to during the month of October and notice the changes you feel in your digestion and gut. I was recently diagnosed with Leaky Gut and have paid a lot more attention to feeding my gut microbiome what it needs to stay healthy. What a difference it makes! If you need more accountability and a community to help you with any of these, please reach out to me. Cheers to your healthy gut!

  1. Keep a journal noting whenever you experience brain fog, mood changes, headaches, joint pain, poor sleep or libido, bloating and gas. These could be signs of gut issues. Understanding your body is the first step in improving it.
  2. If you suspect something may be wrong, take the time to consult with a health professional to address your symptoms. I worked with the FASTer Way Concierge Functional Health Coach. Remember, your body has an incredible capacity to heal.
  3. Challenge yourself to eat 30 different plant foods each week. Try some new fruit, vegetable, nut, seed, legume, or herb each day to get some gut-loving mix of fiber, antioxidants, and polyphenois.
  4. Feel confident buying produce from the “Clean 15” list and invest in organic options from the “Dirty Dozen” list to reduce your exposure to agricultural chemicals.
  5. Introduce one fermented food to your diet this week. Try adding a spoonful of kimchi or sauerkraut to your salad. Miso, pickles, and sourdough are other great options.
  6. Include one prebiotic-rich food in your meals daily. Sprinkle some chopped garlic on your dishes, or snack on a slightly unripe banana. Onion, oats, and asparagus are also great.
  7. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Pay attention to how you feel when you reduce common gut irritants like refined sugars, gluten, vegetable and seed oils and alcohol.
  8. Replace plastic kitchen items with sustainable alternatives such as glass containers, stainless steel bottles, and wooden chopping boards.
  9. If possible, invest in a quality water filter for your home to limit contaminants such as chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  10. Nurture your gut microbiome by…
  • Spending 15 minutes outdoors daily, connecting with nature
  • Starting a small herb garden in your yard or on your windowsill.
  • Setting a consistent sleep schedule for quality rest
  • Trying a new form of exercise you enjoy
  • Practicing 5 minutes of deep reathing daily for stress reduction
  • Getting 10 minutes of morning sunlight
  • Switching chemical-laden household cleaners and beauty products to natural alternatives.

A few small changes can make a really big difference in how you feel. Let me know which ones you try. It’s never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you. Once you build these healthy habits you will wonder how have you been able to live without them.