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              Following a diet based on real (not processed) food may be one of the most important things you can do to maintain a high quality of life. Whole food nutrition allows you to look and feel your best from the inside out


              What you wear tells a story.  What story are you telling right now?  One of confidence, empowerment, success, creativity?  How we dress on the outside is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves on the inside.  Clothing is very powerful.


              Life is a lot better through the lens of FUN! So why don’t we have more of it? Have you forgotten how? Life in the way? Fun reduces stress, balances hormone levels, makes you energetic and youthful and improves your relationships.


              Women thrive on strong female relationships. They are our emotional support system. It’s our outlet to share problems, thoughts, feelings and triumphs. Powerful friendships lift us up and support us. There is nothing like girlfriends.

              How I Use My F Words



              Chris is a dynamic, experienced and inspiring speaker! She is available to speak at your conference, meeting or workshop to curate confidence.

              Contact Chris for booking details

              Faster Way to Fat Loss

              Visit my FWTWL Site

              Confident Woman Recipe

              Get the Recipe for Confidence

              I have the proven RECIPE for what to Eat & Drink, Wear and Think to equal Confidence

              More About Chris